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CMS to Provide Incentive Payments to ACOs and Primary Care Providers in 2025

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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced the Accountable Care Organizations Primary Care Flex Model (ACO PC Flex) on March 19, 2024, which will provide new payments designed to support person-centered care, improve health care outcomes, and address health disparities, particularly in underserved Medicare populations.

This voluntary initiative aims to support primary care practices in eligible ACOs by providing an advanced shared savings payment for infrastructure and monthly prospective primary care payments that replace fee-for-service payments.

The model starts on January 1, 2025. CMS intends to select 130 Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) ACOs to participate.

Green, Georgia

Hartley, Steven

Moss Adams

Provider Reimbursement

April 9, 2024

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