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In 2008, the U.S. faced a rapidly decreasing market for liposuction due to the onset of the recession. Yet despite the grim outlook Sono Bello, a liposuction clinic performing surgery under awake local anesthesia, opened its doors for the first time. Since then, and 17,000 cases later, Sono Bello has grown to 12 locations nationwide across nine states. Sono Bello skillfully filled a niche, unidentified by competitors, by recasting a well-known product in a newer and more attractive light.
The public is hungry not only for outpatient surgery, but also for procedures done under awake local anesthesia. It’s no surprise that people are generally concerned about procedures performed under general anesthesia. In fact, a recent study by John Starling III, MD published in the February 2012 issue of Dermatology Times revealed much higher mortality and morbidity figures for patients in Florida and Alabama who received liposuction and other cosmetic procedures performed under general anesthesia in an office setting. So, Sono Bello hit the mark when investing in the concept of awake liposuction.