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Article Result (216 - 315) of 686
Publish Date Article Title First Author Second Author*
Molina Healthcare Exploring Safer Solutions to Managing Chronic Pain and Opioid Use Disorder Gough, MD, Frances  
When Hospitals Give Until It Hurts Garner, Craig B.  
Blockchain Technology Offers Unlimited Possibilities to Improve Healthcare Krizanic, Sarah  
New OIG Report Recommends Medicare Contractors Recover More Than $66M in Improper Payments Cooper, Esq., Richard S.  
Revolutionizing Health Care with Lean Management Rona, J. Michael  
How Much Medical Malpractice Insurance Should You Purchase? Chesemore, Jim  
Coding Errors May Render Receivables Uncollectible Wentland, Adam  
Puget Sound Fourth Quarter 2017 Real Estate Wrap-Up Carr, CCIM/MBA, Paul  
Key Trends in 2018 for Health Care Organizations Moving to Value-based Payment and Population Health Management Miller, Allen  
Promising Early Results on the Road to Whole Person Care Lindberg, LICW, Julie  
Challenges to Overcome to Operate an Effective Healthcare Organization Gorbatov, PMP, Sergey  
CMS's Targeted Probe and Educate ("TPE") Program - Get Counsel Involved Early! Cooper, Esq., Richard  
Climate Change and Human Health Auerbach MD, MS, FACEP, FAWM, FAAEM, Paul  
D.C. Circuit Court Clarifies Conclusion Regarding a Laboratory's Determination of Medical Necessity Cooper, Esq., Richard  
Kickbacks in the Age of The Internet Newborn, Akiva  
The Upside to Broken Garner, Craig  
Final Regulations Issued for Washington's Paid Sick Leave Law, Effective January 1, 2018 Lawelss, Shannon  
Credentialing: The Cornerstone of a Health Care Organization's Enterprise Risk Management Program Muellenberg, Erin McAteer,  Ryan
Audits - Trends and Action Steps to Mitigate Exposure Cooper, Esq., Richard S.  
How Incivility in the Workplace Negatively Impacts the Patient Experience Ore, Gina W.  
Time to Refine Your BAA - Don't Follow the Flock! Young, Rachel Kelly,  Jade
Government Investigations Prompted by the "Opioid Crisis": Beware and take care. Novak, Edward F.  
A Place for Death In Health Care Garner, Craig B.  
Common Gaps in Disability Insurance Sorenson, Janae  
Is an 8 and 80 Overtime Schedule Right for my Facility? Cole, Carmen J.  
OCR's HIPAA Breach "Wall of Shame" Breaks 2,000 Cooper, Esq., Richard S.  
Design Brings Change, Leveraging the Opportunity Gregory, AIA, Kent  
I-9 Forms: Something New, Something Old, but the Same Liabilities Paget, Joel H.  
Mobile Devices and Applications are Transforming Clinical Practice Krizanic, Sarah  
Hospitals Need to be Aware of the New Partnership Audit Rules Cooper, Esq., Richard S.  
Risks to Hospital Employees Due to EMTALA Requirements Haydel Gehrke, Michele Jackson,  Garrett
Moving On: Thoughts on Bettering American Health Care Baackes, John  
How Deal-Makers Are Capitalizing on Health Care Analytics Rebay, Karl McDonald  Jeff
Study Finds 65% of Patient Responders Interested in Seeing Their PCP Over Video Lamar, Cindy  
Whither TrumpCare Nelson, Harry  
Final Rule Allows More Sharing of Substance Abuse Treatment Information Cooper, Esq., Richard S.  
How To Optimize Real Estate Decisions – RE Execution Timelines vs. Annual Budget Cycles Carr, CCIM/MBA, Paul Nguyen,  Dang
Making Health Care Great Again: The Republicans' Playbook to Health Care Reform Bell, CPA, Christopher  
Health Care in F Minor Garner, Craig B.  
CMS Expands Medicare Payment for Behavioral Health Services Cooper, Esq., Richard S.  
The Physician Dilemma: Private Practice or Hospital Employee? Krizanic, Sarah  
Bringing Communities Together to Improve Care Transitions Zoller, MD, Devon  
The Changing Exposure on Risk Management of Telemedicine Roberts, Ryan  
Cybersecurity and Protected Health Information: Not Being Prepared is Costly Olsen, Teru  
Congress Got This One Right. Now is the Time to Finish It. Naley, Martin  
How Employers Can Improve our Healthcare System Kramer, Bill  
Recruiting and Employing Foreign Nationals in Health Care Settings, Key Issues and Best Practices Cooper, Esq., Richard S. Bibet-Kalinyak, Esq.  Isabelle
Does Your Organization Have a Strategic Real Estate Roadmap in Place? Carr, CCIM/MBA, Paul Nguyen  Dang
Harnessing Personal Technology to Empower Health Care Consumers Lee, Laurel  
OPPS Final Rule Finalizes Limits for Off Campus Departments Vernaglia, Lawrence W. Storey  Cheryl
The Broadening Definition of Elder Abuse Cohn, Jonathon E. Chang Lee,  Annie
EEOC Final Rules on Wellness Programs Lynch, Matt  
Why We Must Care About Medicare Garner, Craig B.  
U.S. Office for Civil Rights Announces $400 Million Settlement Against Large Health System Cooper, Esq., Richard S.  
CMS Slow to Adopt Generally Accepted Telemedicine/Telehealth Payment Practices Lamar, Cindy  
Health Care Providers Are Subject to Civil Liability When Employees Fail to Report the Abuse of a Vulnerable Adult King, Robert R.  
Disturbing Trends in Enforcement Suggest Keeping Sales and Marketing In-House Cooper, Esq., Richard S.  
How to Prepare for a Data Breach in Healthcare Reph, Michael Roberts,  Ryan
Clinical Trial Participation: An Option That Can Benefit Many Provider Groups Blain, CPA, MBA, FACMPE, Cynthia B.  
Outsourcing Your Medical Billing = A Lean Business Practice Lamar, Cindy  
Puget Sound First Quarter 2016 Healthcare Real Estate Overview Carr, CCIM/MBA, Paul Nguyen,  Dang
The Changing Role of Advanced Practice Nurses Carter, Kelly  
OIG Updates Criteria for Exclusion from Federal Health Care Programs Cooper, Esq., Richard S.  
Accountable Health Communities Model Offers $157 Million in CMS Funding Andrade, CPA, Tony  
Phase 2 HIPAA Audits are Coming Cooper, Esq., Richard S.  
The NLRB Election Rules One Year Later: What does the Data Show? Lynch, Matt  
Health Care's Unfinished Bridge Garner, Craig B.  
Ransomware Attack on California Hospital Puts Providers on Alert for New Threats to Health Information Cohen, Samuel, C. Manning,  Alex
An Overview of the Nurse Manager's Guide to Budgeting and Finance 2nd Edition Rundio, PhD, DNP, RN, APRN, NEA-BC, FNAP, FIAAN, FAAN, Al  
Network Adequacy Laws - Only as Good as Their Enforcement Grundy-Dietzway, Marlena  
Puget Sound Medical Office On Campus Vacancy Rate Plummets to 4.63% Carr CCIM/MBA, Paul  
Prospective versus Retrospective Bundled Payments: Looking ahead, not looking back Ross, MPH, MBA, Olivia  
Cleaning House: CMS Proposes Sweeping Reform of Requirements for Long Term Care Facilities E. Cohn, Jonathon Atkins  Erin
IRC Section 501(r) Requires Tax-Exempt Hospitals Make Modifications by December 29, 2015 Fidler, Angie  
Precision Medicine Initiative Showing Early Signs of Success Berry, MD, Anna  
Providence ElderPlace Celebrates 20 Years Tuller, Susan  
Defining Transitional Care Khetarpal, Rani  
Medicare - Bridging the Gap Between Ridiculous and Sublime Garner, Craig B.  
Five Vital Elements of a Healthy Physician Buy/Sell Agreement Swartley, CFA, ASA, Calvin  
Peer Support Programs Give Critical Care to Providers Parkerton, Melissa  
Employers Need to Review Their Handbooks and Policies Now to Avoid NLRB Scrutiny Lynch, Matt  
Are You Prepared for Revisions to Federal Regulations on Overtime? Nealey Meier, Kristin  
Washington Health Plans Begin 2015 in the Red Peel, David  
HIPAA - Society's Modern Day Prohibition Garner, Craig B.  
The Behavioral Health Provider: Your New BFF Stone, Ph.D., David  
Washington Healthcare Real Estate Records Another Strong Quarter Carr CCIM/MBA, Paul  
Chapter 9: A Tool for Ailing Healthcare Districts Haskins, Sandy  
Four Focus Areas for Effective Board Governance Conner, Brian Blakey  John
A Kidney Transplant: the Best Treatment for the Right Patients Jackson, Joyce, F.  
The Newest Advance in Health Care: Virtual Urgent Care for Molina Medicaid Beneficiaries Gough, MD, Frances  
Washington Health Plan 2014 Net Income Down from 2013 levels Peel, David  
Obama Administration at War with Itself over Wellness Programs Lynch, Matt  
Bringing it all Together: Successful Revenue Cycle Management During Health Care Affiliations Hughes, Sheri Stark  Denise
California Hospital Eases Experience for Children with Autism Prinzing, Monica  
A Brave New Medicare Garner, Craig B.  
Washington State Healthcare Real Estate: A View of the Forest and the Trees Carr, CCIM/MBA, Paul  
In-Center Nocturnal Dialysis Offers Effective, Appealing Alternative to Patients with Kidney Failure Doss-McQuitty, Sheila  
Lower Costs, Higher Quality of Life: Addressing Social Determinants of Health Adler, Peter  
Finding Executive Talent for Rural Healthcare Providers Whiteside, Don Haskins,  Sandy
Accounting for Medical Malpractice Claims Obligations by Health Care Entities Conner, Brian